Sunday, May 04, 2008

Dear GKR

GKR this is in response to you

7 years ago I took a huge chance. I had just dropped out of College was sick of the going to class thing, had been dating a girl for 4 years that I just did not see a future in and was working as a phone jockey for a fortune 500 company.

I really had no plan for the future, no plan for any day expect to hang out with my buddies and get drunk.

I too was faced with a choice.

I could continue down the path I was going, live in the city I love, and continue down the safe path of a steady job and slow progressive advancement.


I could take a chance and move to a new city, in a far off land (hey California is that different). A place I had never visited until the day I stepped off the plane to move their. Be part of something different, a huge chance the company was making in a entirely new direction.

I took a chance, and it has paid of huge. It is why I know You, Betty and Whiskey, It's why I love my job, It's why I am back in the city I love. Maybe its too soon in the grand scheme of things to know if it was the right choice but I would not change it for a second.

I say take a chance....go for the prize.

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